So here I am, a high tech expert, who spends a lot of time working on the web. I've been researching sports hernias for several months and had come to the conclusion that I would be travelling to Philadelphia to get surgery. I'd seen my local doctor twice to make sure I'm not doing anything crazy and after the last viist he said he'd check with one of his colleagues, who is the team doctor for the Oakland Raiders. He called me back today and said there is a local doctor who specializes in sports hernias. He does all the local pro sports teams.
His name is William Brown III, and to be fair, I did come across his name once but didn't find enough info on him to make the list of true specialists.
So I did some research today and found his
website. I am amazed that I missed it, especially given the URL. I must have done 100's of google searches on this stuff and never came across it. Wow! what a dufus.
So the good news is that I can probably get this done locally, the bad news is that I appear to be an idiot.
OK, so after a little research it appears that I'm not as clueless as I first thought. This website only launched a few weeks ago.
Here is a press release talking about it. Also, it doesn't show up in google search when you search on sports hernia. I guess it will once it is a little more established.
Now I just need the receptionist to get back from lunch so I can make an appointment!