Monday, September 15, 2008

Sports Hernia Information

People keep asking me "what's a sports hernia"?. I've been digging around the web for info and here's some of the stuff I uncovered...

A good, but detailed paper from one of the experts....

Some of the experts
Wikipedia Info
A long discussion on letsrun, a runners message board.
Some potentially bad news in terms of insurance coverage
Some more insurance commentary

Various other documents/articles
Bottomline is that it is not a widely understood or treated condition since it is mainly confined to professional athletes and dumb people such as myself.

EDIT: someone (thanks, Jonathan!) sent me another SH specialist so I am updating the list to add Dr. Jeff Hoadley out of Atlanta, who has a pretty informative website on the topic.
EDIT: Added link to informative blog by fellow sufferer


Jonathan Beacher said...

Another Sports Hernia expert missing on your list is Jeff Hoadley, the surgeon in Atlanta who consults on groin pain with the NFL Atlanta Falcons, NHL Atlanta Thrashers, University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, and many other athletes in the southeast. His website, has info on sports hernia anatomy, diagnosis, and treatment methods, physical rehab, and links to medical articles and websites about sports hernia.

Anonymous said...

I am a physician who was preparing to have sports hernia surgery. I noticed surgery sometimes involved adductor releases so I decided to stretch mine. After 3 days of sleeping prone with my hip flexed and external rotated I am completely pain free for the first time in 6 months. It's worth a try!!!

Unknown said...

I tried externally rotatating hip hip while sleeping with no look. I ultimately had to get surgery. You might add this site to your page as well, it has a very in-depth look at sports hernias: