First shot is the left side after the initial opening. The cut is about 1 1/2 inches to give you some idea of scale. The stuff outlined in green is my insides and really shouldn't be visible! There are two layers of muscle wall that I've torn through to do that.

Next shot shows the stitching for the lower layer. This should keep the inside bits inside, where they belong. He prefers to do this type of open surgery with real sutures instead of going laproscopic and using mesh. Sutures are more effective in guarenteeing things are closed and you don't have to deal with any potential side effects of having mesh inside you. Also, as you are open he can see exactly where the issue is and remove anything else that shouldn't be these. In my case I had a lipoma (buildup of fatty tissue) on each side which he took out. These occur about 50% of the time with hernias and are another cause of pain, so I'm glad they are gone.

This one is the left side all stitched up - final scar is just over 1 inch long.

The right side was pretty much the same, here's a picture that shows the right lipoma! This was over an inch long and couldn't have been helping me all that much. The body is definitely a weird thing.
Recovery is going well. There is swelling, which is going down a little, and plenty of bruising. I have a percocet prescription but so far have just been taking ibuprofen. Doctor is surprised that I am not needing anything stronger but says that it's fine if I'm OK with it. I really don't want to be completely drugged out on painkillers, so will try to keep going with just the vitamin I. Right now it feels like a dull ache, which to be honest is how most of my long runs felt for the last few months. I'm meant to do a little walking if I feel up to it, so will be doing a few laps of the block today.
So it looks it's all been successful, and I am on track for a reasonably manageable recovery period. Gonna spend today/tomorrow at home but back to work Monday.
Alan, I'm a fellow post-op SH sufferer and was wondering if there was a way I could get in touch with you to compare notes. rahenry42@yahoo.com
Just curious if you were impressed with Dr. Brown. Did all go well? Please email me at martinwilliamh at yahoo dot com.
Alan, sorry to hear about your injury. I wondered what happened to you when you dropped off RA and the racing scene. Hope to be racing you again soon! Recover well, Alan.
Ken Camet
Hi Alan! Did you fly out alone for the surgery, or bring someone with you?
Hi Mike - my surgery was only 10 miles from my house so my wife just drove me and picked me up. if i'd had to fly i probably wouldn't have gone alone, i was groggy afterwards (general anesthetic)
Please anyone with experience with Doc. Brown...please email me at aleemikhan@gmail.com.
I would really appreciate it
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