The next 2 races will be 10Ks. They are both at Stanford, and both have the same course, which I ran back in 2007. It's certified (and hopefully the actual race will be the same as the mapped race this time!)

I haven't raced a 10K since June 2008, and have never gone under 40 minutes in a 10K race (although I have done a sub 40 10K during a half marathon). My fastest 10K was a solo time trial on the track in 38:38 in April of this year. Anyway, 38:38 is definitely a soft PR compared to my 5K, half and full marathon PRs, so I should be able to beat it pretty easily in one or both of the next 2 races.
According to the various race time calculators if I compare my other race distances to predicted 10K times I should be able to go somewhere between 37:45 and 38:15, with everything averaging out at 37:58. So the obvious goal is to get under 38 minutes (6:06 pace).
Knowing that my pacing sucks in short races I am going to focus in race 1 on pacing according to plan, which I have laid out to accommodate the hill. Then depending on how that goes, refine things for race #2.
Here are the goal paces
- Mile 1 6:06 pace (and not 5:45 like I normally start!)
- Mile 2 6:10 pace (hill starts - keep a steady effort) - 12:16
- Mile 3 6:30 pace for first half (the hill), 6:02 for 2nd half, 6:16 average - 18:32
- Mile 4 6:02 pace - 24:34
- Mile 5 6:02 pace - 30:36
- Mile 6 6:06 pace - 36:42
- Final .213 6:01 pace - 37:59 (6:06.7 average pace)
I like the fact I have a practice run to see how this plays out, and will be able to look at HR etc afterwards to adjust these.
And yes, I will be wearing the shoes!
Don't over think it Alan! Just go run man, you will crush your PR!
That's a fast 10K time. Good luck!
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