Today's 12 miler thru Los Altos Hills started with a steady 7 miles (8:27 pace) climbing up thru 500 feet. Then miles 8, 9 & 10 were fast (7:36 pace) and although they had a net downhill of about 120' they had a couple of really steep climbs. Finished off with a relaxed downhill 2 1/2 miles (8:38 pace). Total was 12.6 in 1:44 (8:16 pace).
The rest of the week was pretty good - 3 tempos, 1 very easy and a good 7.5 mile pace run (7:35 pace). All in all it was good week, 41.3 miles total, and I'm feeling ready for the race next week.
This week will be just 20-25 miles of easy runs and short tempos with 1 pace run on Wednesday.
Goal for the race is to match the time from the downhill Kaiser (1:38:54 - 7:33 pace) which is going to be a challenge. However, I'm inspired by my friend who today qualified for Boston at the Napa Marathon (3:19:39) so if he can do the whole marathon at 7:33 pace, I should be able to do half.
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