Thursday, June 12, 2008


So despite my best intentions of running even when sick, I have been sidelined. A combination of a stinky cold and stomach flu has made running out of the question.

Felt bad Monday night, and slept terribly. Woke up Tuesday and decided to skip work & the morning run and stay home. Slept most of the day. Got up about 4pm and decided to go for a run. Given that it was 95 degrees this was probably not too smart. At least I had the sense to just run 4 very easy miles instead of running my 7 mile tempo run. But I was totally dehydrated (benadryl will do that) and when I got home I was not feeling that "runner's high".

Stayed home again and slept most of Wednesday and didn't run at all.

Today I feel a bit better, but won't run this morning. I may do a few easy miles this evening if work goes OK and I don't relapse.

Looks like this will be one of those hiccup weeks in my training.

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