Setoff about 8am and by then the rain had stopped. Plan was to a do 2-3 miles on my own and then meet up with a friend to run the next 17, and then do the final 2-3 on my own, ending up at my son's baseball game about 11am. So 22-23 miles, at just under 8 minute pace, with maybe a few faster miles towards the end. Main goal was to just get through it and get into my greatly anticpated recovery week! Secondary goal was to be a little smarter about taking Gu and water on the run so that I didn't feel like total crap at mile 18.
First 3 miles were slow easy miles (over 8:00). Knee wasn't great but I gradullay eased thru the pain. By the time I joined up with my friend I was feeling OK. Weather was behaving itself although it wasn't warm - but no wind/rain. Headed off with a vague route in mind.
Miles 4-9 were steady (8:00 down to 7:40) and then we got to a nature reserve, and after a wrong turn did a boatload of climbing. That slowed us down with a couple miles at 8:40ish pace. Then we had we had some gentle downhill/flat and rolling road for 11 miles and we rolled thru that at a pretty steady 7:40 pace.
I'd "Gu'd" at miles 7, 13 & 19 and drunk enough water from various fountains en route; I was feeling good. When I split off at 21-22 mile I picked it up and did the last ~2 miles at just under 6:40 pace. I felt amazingly fresh for running over 3 hours, and best of all my legs weren't falling to pieces.
Stopped at 23.7 miles (3:04, 7:48 pace) feeling better than I ever have after running anywhere near that mileage. I could have easily have run the final 2.5 miles to make the marathon distance and I think I could have kept at 6:40 pace, which would have got me there in just under 3:21, which would be a Boston qualifying time for me. However, I believe they are a little strict about the type of run you can use to qualify so I'm thinking I will wait until I have run the full distance in a race before applying!
Here's the pace, heartrate and elevation charts.....

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