Ended up doing 12.5 even though it was only supposed to be an easy 6 today.
The week went well, except for Saturday which was a struggle. I had some sort of rib/muscle problem and it hurt when I breathed. This made for an unpleasant 15 miler w 5 at marathon pace. The 5 at MP ended up being 4.3 at 7:08, but it sure felt faster than that. It was like I was only using one lung. But on today's run everything was back to normal. Weird.
Tuesday's tempo was short as it was a cutback week, but it was pretty quick at 6:22 pace. And Thursday's track session of 1,200s was good. Closed it with 3 medium long runs - a hilly 12 miler on the Los Altos Hills trails on Friday, the 15 w 5at MP on Saturday and the Presidio run today. With the exception of Saturday's collapsed lung issue I am feeling really strong. The niggly shin problems seem to have gone, no doubt helped by the soft surfaces in Hawaii and the trails this weekend. Knees are fine and the achilles seem to be coping well with the increased pace and mileage.
So fingers crossed, things seem to be on track for Ottawa, which is 12 weeks today.
Next week should be high 60's (miles, not degrees) but I may do some shuffling to run a 5k on Sunday. I'm feeling pretty quick (for me) right now due to the trackwork and I'd like to see how I do in a shorter race. if I do that, I'll skip my trackwork and to my long run (21 w 3 at HMP) in the week sometime.
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