Running this much definitely has an impact: 8 mile runs now feel ridiculousy easy, whereas they used to be something that I'd feel the next day. Of course, the downside is that I am constantly dealing with aches and tiredness, but it's more of a general ache vs any specific area hurting. I've added some core work (crunches etc) and some weights into my daily routine which along with lots of stretching usually takes an hour in front of the TV every night. That's followed by 30-45 of icing. I really believe that is helping me handle the high mileage with no real problems (touch wood...)
The other big impact of this sort of mileage is my weight. I'm way down to 147lbs, which is 15lbs below where I was when I started to run every day back in October 2007. I need to start eating a little more food or I'm going to waste away. Speaking of waists, I'm down to 29" (from 32-33) and have had to buy a bunch more jeans. I haven't been this weight since I was 18, and I've never been this fit. Despite being skinny and doing ab work, I am still completely devoid of any type of defined stomach muscles. I guess the layer of beer is keeping them hidden from the world. So Matthew McConnaughey has nothing to worry about just yet.
Today's run was another 22 miler, with most of it planned at easy pace (round about 8ish pace). Once again, a hilly course, and the weather promised a soaking at some point during the 3 hours I'd be out there.
First 13 miles went by uneventfully at 8:00 average pace. A couple smaller hills and then started a bigger climb. At 13 I hit the trails, and they were muddy and steep. Slipped and slid my way up and down for 3 miles at 8:09 pace until I got back onto the road. 3 more easy and then I started to pick it up. I had planned 5m at marathon pace (7:06) but the course didn't really work out too well for that. Instead I went for just 1.5 miles but at sub HMP (half marathon pace - 6:40). Hammered them out at 6:33 pace. That felt great to be going that fast after 20 miles. Then an easy mile homne for 22.09 at 7:54. Once again I could have easily done the next 4.1 miles to complete a marathon if I'd felt like it, so a 3:26ish marathon is not going to be a problem. Plus, I'm only planning on running flat or net downhill marathons, so I'm feeling pretty confident about a 3:20 in Edinburgh. Of course, I can screw that up pretty easily by going for a sub-3 and crashing.
Here's today's profile, there is no way I would ever do a marathon like that....

Now it's an easy week, with tomorrow being a complete day off from running. Just 30 miles Tues-Sat and then it's time to see if this mileage converts to a fast race for the Kaiser Half Marathon on Sunday.
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